Paul Gribben


I am a Professor of Marine Ecology at UNSW Sydney. I held Post-Doctoral Fellowships at UNSW, UTS and a continuing position at Massey University, NZ, before returning to start a Future Fellowship at UNSW 2014.

I am is interested in using fundamental ecology to improve our understanding of the response of marine communities to global change and to develop more robust conservation and restoration efforts for critical marine foundation species such as oysters and seagrasses. I have worked extensively on invertebrate fisheries and aquaculture and the impacts of marine invaders. More recent research has focussed on habitat-biodiversity relationships and the processes determining invasion success across a broad range of scales, as well as a developing interest in the role of plant-soil (sediment) feedbacks in controlling marine macrophyte interactions. I work in temperate systems here is Australia, and around the world, with members of my lab conducting research at local and international scales.

Find more details about my current research projects here.

Current positions

Professor (UNSW Sydney)

Director of the Centre for Marine Science and Innovation (UNSW Sydney)

Director of the Sydney Harbour Research Program (Sydney Institute of Marine Science)

Teaching at UNSW Sydney

MSCI2001 Introduction to Marine Science (Course Coordinator)

BEES2031 Invertebrate Zoology (Lecturer)

BIOS3091 Marine and Aquatic Ecology (Lecturer)

BIOS3601 Advanced Field Biology (Lecturer)

BEES6601 Introduction to the Sydney Environment (Lecturer)

Contact details

Address | Room 4115, Level 4, Biological Sciences Building (E26) UNSW Sydney, Australia.

Email |

Twitter | @DR_GRIBB

Click here to see Paul’s UNSW research profile.