

We provide PDF’s of our publications with the understanding that only one copy will be downloaded per person, and only for personal or academic not-for-profit pursuits.

UNSW Lab members past and present are highlighted in bold.

Book chapters

Firth L, Clubley C, McGrath A, Renshaw E, Foggo A, Wilson A, Gribben PE, Flower A, Burgess J, Svenja Heesch, Hawkins S, Stephen NR, Haspel D, Spain-Butler A, Stührmann S, Newstead A, Knights A. 2023, ‘If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them: Enemy Shells as Refugia from Grazing & Competition Pressures’, in Oceanography and Marine Biology: An annual review, Volume 61, CRC Press, pp. 34.

Gribben P; Byers JE, 2020, 'Comparative biogeography of marine invaders across their native and introduced ranges.', in Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, Volume 58, CRC Press, pp. 395-438. Open access available here.

Bulleri F; Connell S; Batten S; Benedetti-Cecch L; Gibbons M; Nuages M; Gribben P, 2020, 'Human pressures and the emergence of novel marine ecosystem', in Hawkins S; Allcock L; Bates A; Firth L; Smith I; Todd P; Russell B; Evans A (ed.), Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, Volume 58, CRC Press, pp. 739-492.

Gribben P; Angelini C; Altieri A; Bishop M; Thomsen M; Bulleri F, 2019, 'Facilitation Cascades in Marine Ecosystems: A Synthesis and Future Directions', in Oceanography and Marine Biology An Annual Review, Volume 57, CRC Press, pp. 95 - 136. Open access available here.

Peer reviewed papers

Walker, L. D., Gribben, P. E., Glasby, T. M., Marzinelli, E. M., Varkey, D. R., K.A. Dafforn. 2024. Above and below-ground bacterial communities shift in seagrass beds with warmer temperatures. Frontiers in Marine Science.

Leong, R. C., Bugnot, A. B., Ross, P. M., Erickson, K. R., Gibbs, M. C., Marzinelli, E. M., O’Connor, W. A., Parker, L. M., Poore, A. G. B., Scanes, E., P.E. Gribben. 2024. Recruitment of a threatened foundation oyster species varies with large and small spatial scales. Ecological Applications,

Hart, J. L., Smith, R. L., Poore, A. G. B., Erickson, K. R., Figueira, W. F., Bishop, M. J., O’Connor, W. A., & P.E. Gribben. 2024. Habitat‐setting affects biodiversity while predation determines oyster survival on experimental oyster reefs. Restoration Ecology.

Erickson K., Bugnot AB., W. Figueira. 2023. Optimising sampling of fish assemblages on intertidal reefs using remote underwater video, PeerJ 11:e15426

Roncolato, F., Fellowes, T.E., Duce, S., Mora, C., Johansson, O., Stratchan, I., Bugnot, A., Erickson, K., Figueira, W., Gribben, P.E., Pine, C., Morgan, B., A. Vila-Concejo. 2023. Ecomorphodynamics of oyster reefs in estuaries with varying wave exposure, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Stelling‐Wood, T. P., Poore, A. G. B., Hughes, A. R., Everett, J. D., P.E. Gribben. 2023. Habitat traits and predation interact to drive abundance and body size patterns in associated fauna, Ecology and Evolution.

Filippini, G., Bugnot, A.B., Varkey, D., Siboni, N., Ferguson, A., Gribben, P.E., Erickson, K., Palmer, J., K. Dafforn. 2023. Nitrogen-cycling genes in oyster reefs and surrounding sediments: Relationships with environmental factors and respective nitrogen rates, Marine Pollution Bulletin.

Ravaglioli, C., P. E. Gribben, J. Langeneck, J. Tempesti, F. Bulleri. 2023. Temporal consistency of a facilitation cascade on shallow rocky reefs. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.

Byers, J.E., Blaze, J.A., Dodd, A.C., Hall, H.L. and Gribben, P.E. 2023. Exotic asphyxiation: interactions between invasive species and hypoxia. Biol Rev.

Fuggle, R E., Gribben, P E., Marzinelli, E M. 2023. Experimental evidence root-associated microbes mediate seagrass response to environmental stress. Journal of Ecology.

Gonzalez, S., K. A. Dafforn, P. E. Gribben, W. A. O'Connor, E. L. Johnston. 2023. Organic enrichment reduces sediment bacterial and archaeal diversity, composition, and functional profile independent of bioturbator activity. Marine Pollution Bulletin.

Filippini, G., A. B. Bugnot, A. Ferguson, Paul E. Gribben, J. Palmer, K. Erickson, K.A. Dafforn. 2023. The influence of oyster reefs and surrounding sediments on nitrogen removal – An in-situ study along the East coast of Australia. Environmental Research.

Bugnot AB, K.A. Dafforn, K. Erickson, A. McGrath, W.A. O'Connor, P.E. Gribben. 2023. Reintroducing a keystone bioturbator can facilitate microbial bioremediation in urban polluted sediments. Environmental Pollution.

Byers, J.E., Blaze, J.A., Dodd, A.C., Hall, H.L. and P.E. Gribben. 2022. Exotic asphyxiation: interactions between invasive species and hypoxia. Biol Rev.

Ferretto G, A Verges, AGB Poore, PE Gribben and TM Glasby. 2022. Using floating bags for oyster farming is compatible with healthy Posidonia australis seagrass meadows. Aquaculture. DOI:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2022.738594

Pine C, K Erickson, PE Gribben and WF Figueria. 2022 Observation of Juvenile Eastern Blue Groper (Achoerodus viridis) on Remnant Oyster Reefs in New South Wales, Australia. Ecology. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3824

Bugnot AB, PE Gribben, WA O’Connor, KR Erickson, RA Coleman and KA Dafforn. 2022. Belowground ecosystem engineers enhance biodiversity and function in a polluted ecosystem. Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.14221

Leong, R.C., Bugnot, A.B., Marzinelli, E.M., Figueira, W.F., Erickson, K.R., Poore, A.G.B. and Gribben, P.E. 2022. Variation in the density and body size of a threatened foundation species across multi-spatial scales. Restor Ecol. e13670.

Bugnot, A, Dafforn, K, Coleman, Ross A, Ramsdale, M, Gibbeson, J., Erickson, K, Vila-Concejo, A, Figueira, W, and Gribben, PE. 2022. Linking Habitat Interactions and Biodiversity Within Seascapes. Ecosphere 13(4): e4021.

Birrer S C, Wemheuer F, Dafforn K, Gribben PE, Steinberg PD, Simpson SL, Potts J, Scanes P, Doblin MA, and EL Johnston. 2021. Legacy Metal Contaminants and Excess Nutrients in Low Flow Estuarine Embayments Alter Composition and Function of Benthic Bacterial Communities. Frontiers in Microbiology. 10.3389/fmicb.2021.661177

Bradley DJ, J Boada, W Gladstone, TM Glasby and PE Gribben. 2021. Sublethal effects of a rapidly spreading native alga on a key herbivore. Ecology and Evolution. DOI:10.1002/ece3.8005

Stelling-Wood, TP, Poore, AGB, and PE Gribben. Shifts in biomass and structure of habitat-formers across a latitudinal gradient. Ecol Evol. 2021; 00: 1– 12.

Piercy R, PE Gribben, TC Handley, AT Moles and AR Hughes. In Press. Incorporating marine macrophytes in plant-soil feedbacks: emerging evidence and opportunities to advance the field. Journal of Ecology. DOI:10.1111/1365-2745.13536

Firth LB, D Harris, JA Blaze, MP Marzloff, A Boyé, PI Miller, A Curd, JD Nunn, NE O’Connor, AM Power, N Mieszkowska, RM O’Riordan, MT Burrows, LM Bricheno, AM Knights, F Bordeyne, LE Bush, JE Byers, C David, AJ Davies, S Dubois, H Edwards, A Foggo, PE Gribben, FP Lima, D McGrath, LMLJ Noël, FLD Nunes, A Patterson, R Seabra, C Simkanin, M Vasquez and SJ Hawkins. In Press.  Biogeographic structure and legacy effect of a climate change indicator ecosystem engineer. Diversity and Distributions.

Firth LB, L Duff, PE Gribben and AM Knight, In Press. Do positive interactions between marine invaders increase likelihood of invasion into natural and artificial habitats? Oikos.

Ravaglioli C; Langeneck J; Capocchi A; Castelli A; Fontanini D; Gribben PE; Bulleri F, In Press, 'Positive cascading effects of epiphytes enhance the persistence of a habitat‐forming macroalga and the biodiversity of the associated invertebrate community under increasing stress', Journal of Ecology,

Bulleri F; Marzinelli EM; Voerman SE; Gribben PE, 2020, 'Propagule composition regulates the success of an invasive seaweed across a heterogeneous seascape', Journal of Ecology, vol. 108, pp. 1061 - 1073,

Uyà M; Bulleri F; Wright JT; Gribben PE, 2020, 'Facilitation of an invader by a native habitat-former increases along interacting gradients of environmental stress', Ecology, vol. 101,

Stelling-Wood TP; Gribben PE; Poore AGB, 2020, 'Habitat variability in an underwater forest: Using a trait-based approach to predict associated communities', Functional Ecology, vol. 34, pp. 888 - 898,

Gribben PE; Poore AGB; Thomsen MS; Quesey P; Weschke E; Wright JT, 2020, 'Habitat provided by native species facilitates higher abundances of an invader in its introduced compared to native range', Scientific Reports, vol. 10,

Gribben PE; Bishop MJ; O’Connor WA; Bradley DJ; Hughes AR, 2020, 'Intraspecific diversity in prey body size influences survivorship by conferring resistance to predation', Ecosphere, vol. 11,

Lanham BS; Poore AGB; Gribben PE, 2020, 'Facilitation cascades create a predation refuge for biodiversity in a novel connected habitat', Ecosphere, vol. 11,

Lloyd HB; Cruz-Motta JJ; Glasby TM; Hutchings PA; Gribben PE, 2020, 'Unusual but consistent latitudinal patterns in macroalgal habitats and their invertebrate communities across two countries', Diversity and Distributions, vol. 26, pp. 912 - 927,

Eger AM; Marzinelli E; Gribben P; Johnson CR; Layton C; Steinberg PD; Wood G; Silliman BR; Vergés A, 2020, 'Playing to the Positives: Using Synergies to Enhance Kelp Forest Restoration', Frontiers in Marine Science, vol. 7,

Gonzalez SV; Johnston E; Gribben PE; Dafforn K, 2019, 'The application of bioturbators for aquatic bioremediation: Review and meta-analysis', Environmental Pollution, vol. 250, pp. 426 - 436,

Voerman SE; Glasby TM; Gladstone W; Gribben PE, 2019, 'Morphological variation of a rapidly spreading native macroalga across a range of spatial scales and its tolerance to sedimentation', Marine Environmental Research, vol. 147, pp. 149 - 158,

Gribben PE; Thomas T; Pusceddu A; Bonechi L; Bianchelli S; Buschi E; Nielsen S; Ravaglioli C; Bulleri F, 2018, 'Below-ground processes control the success of an invasive seaweed', Journal of Ecology, vol. 106, pp. 2082 - 2095,

Uyà M; Bulleri F; Gribben PE, 2018, 'Propagules are not all equal: traits of vegetative fragments and disturbance regulate invasion success', Ecology, vol. 99, pp. 957 - 965,

Thomsen MS; Altieri AH; Angelini C; Bishop MJ; Gribben PE; Lear G; He Q; Schiel DR; Silliman BR; South PM; Watson DM; Wernberg T; Zotz G, 2018, 'Secondary foundation species enhance biodiversity', Nature Ecology and Evolution, vol. 2, pp. 634 - 639,

Bulleri F; Tamburello L; Pusceddu A; Bonechi L; Cau A; Moccia D; Gribben PE, 2018, 'Fragment quality and sediment organic loading regulate the survival of an invasive, clonal seaweed', Biological Invasions, vol. 20, pp. 1953 - 1959,

Bradley DJ; Gladstone W; Gribben PE, 2018, 'Relationships between the spread of Caulerpa filiformis and fish communities on temperate rocky reefs', Journal of Fish Biology, vol. 93, pp. 12 - 20,

Voerman SE; Glasby TM; Gladstone W; Gribben PE, 2017, 'Habitat associations of an expanding native alga', Marine Environmental Research, vol. 131, pp. 205 - 214,

Gribben PE; Kimbro DL; Verges A; Gouhier TC; Burrel S; Garthwin RG; Cagigas ML; Tordoff Y; Poore AGB, 2017, 'Positive and negative interactions control a facilitation cascade', Ecosphere, vol. 8,

Uyà M; Maggi E; Mori G; Nuccio C; Gribben PE; Bulleri F, 2017, 'Carry over effects of nutrient addition on the recovery of an invasive seaweed from the winter die-back', Marine Environmental Research, vol. 126, pp. 37 - 44,

Wright JT; Gribben PE, 2017, 'Disturbance-mediated facilitation by an intertidal ecosystem engineer', Ecology, vol. 98, pp. 2425 - 2436,

Gribben PE; Nielsen S; Seymour JR; Bradley DJ; West MN; Thomas T, 2017, 'Microbial communities in marine sediments modify success of an invasive macrophyte', Scientific Reports, vol. 7,

Wright JT; Gribben PE; Latzel S, 2016, 'Native ecosystem engineer facilitates recruitment of invasive crab and native invertebrates', Biological Invasions, vol. 18, pp. 3163 - 3173,

Lanham BS; Gribben PE; Poore AG, 2015, 'Beyond the border: effects of an expanding algal habitat on the fauna of neighbouring habitats', Marine Environment Research, vol. 106, pp. 10 - 18,

Gribben PE; Heasman KG, 2015, 'Developing fisheries and aquaculture industries for panopea zelandica in New Zealand', Journal of Shellfish Research, vol. 34, pp. 5 - 10,

Mayer-Pinto M; Johnston EL; Hutchings PA; Marzinelli EM; Ahyong ST; Birch G; Booth DJ; Creese RG; Doblin MA; Figueira W; Gribben PE; Pritchard T; Roughan M; Steinberg PD; Hedge LH, 2015, 'Sydney Harbour: A review of anthropogenic impacts on the biodiversity and ecosystem function of one of the world's largest natural harbours', Marine and Freshwater Research, vol. 66, pp. 1088 - 1105,

Johnston EL; Mayer-Pinto M; Hutchings PA; Marzinelli EM; Ahyong ST; Birch G; Booth DJ; Creese RG; Doblin MA; Figueira W; Gribben PE; Pritchard T; Roughan M; Steinberg PD; Hedge LH, 2015, 'Sydney Harbour: What we do and do not know about a highly diverse estuary', Marine and Freshwater Research, vol. 66, pp. 1073 - 1087,

Hendrickx JP; Creese RG; Gribben PE, 2015, 'Impacts of a non-native gastropod with a limited distribution; Less conspicuous invaders matter too', Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 537, pp. 151 - 162,

Gribben PE; Simpson M; Wright JT, 2015, 'Relationships between an invasive crab, habitat availability and intertidal community structure at biogeographic scales', Marine Environmental Research, vol. 110, pp. 124 - 131,

Booth DJ; Gribben P; Parkinson K, 2015, 'Impact of cigarette butt leachate on tidepool snails', Marine Pollution Bulletin,

Byers JE; Smith RS; Pringle JM; Clark GF; Gribben PE; Hewitt CL; Inglis GJ; Johnston EL; Ruiz GM; Stachowicz JJ; Bishop MJ, 2015, 'Invasion Expansion: Time since introduction best predicts global ranges of marine invaders', Scientific Reports, vol. 5,

Booth DJ; Gribben P; Parkinson K, 2015, 'Impact of cigarette butt leachate on tidepool snails', Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 95, pp. 362 - 364,

Hughes AR; Gribben PE; Kimbro DL; Bishop MJ, 2014, 'Additive and site-specific effects of two foundation species on invertebrate community structure', Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 508, pp. 129 - 138,

Gribben PE; Millar RB; Jeffs AG, 2014, 'Fertilization success of the New Zealand geoduck, Panopea zelandica: Effects of sperm concentration, gamete age and contact time', Aquaculture Research, vol. 45, pp. 1380 - 1388,

Zhang D; Glasby TM; Ralph PJ; Gribben PE, 2014, 'Mechanisms influencing the spread of a native marine alga', PLoS ONE, vol. 9,

Gribben PE; Wright JT, 2014, 'Habitat-former effects on prey behaviour increase predation and non-predation mortality', Journal of Animal Ecology, vol. 83, pp. 388 - 396,

Gribben PE; I'Ons S; Phillips NE; Geange SW; Wright JT; Murray BR, 2013, 'Biogeographic comparisons of the traits and abundance of an invasive crab throughout its native and invasive ranges', Biological Invasions, vol. 15, pp. 1877 - 1885,

Morales PK; Yunusa IAM; Lugg G; Li Z; Gribben P; Eamus D, 2013, 'Belowground eco-restoration of a suburban waste-storage landscape: Earthworm dynamics in grassland and in a succession of woody vegetation covers', Landscape and Urban Planning, vol. 120, pp. 16 - 24,

Gribben PE; Byers JE; Wright JT; Glasby TM, 2013, 'Positive versus negative effects of an invasive ecosystem engineer on different components of a marine ecosystem', Oikos, vol. 122, pp. 816 - 824,

Mabin CJT; Gribben PE; Fischer A; Wright JT, 2013, 'Variation in the morphology, reproduction and development of the habitat-forming kelp Ecklonia radiata with changing temperature and nutrients', Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 483, pp. 117 - 131,

Bishop MJ; Fraser J; Gribben PE, 2013, 'Morphological traits and density of foundation species modulate a facilitation cascade in Australian mangroves', Ecology, vol. 94, pp. 1927 - 1936,

Biro P; O'Connor J; Pedini L; Gribben PE, 2013, 'Personality and plasticity: Consistent responses within-, but not across-temperature situations in crabs', Behaviour, vol. 150, pp. 799 - 811,

Bishop MJ; Byers JE; Marcek BJ; Gribben PE, 2012, 'Density-dependent facilitation cascades determine epifaunal community structure in temperate Australian mangroves', Ecology, vol. 93, pp. 1388 - 1401,

Byers JE; Gribben PE; Yeager C; Sotka EE, 2012, 'Impacts of an abundant introduced ecosystem engineer within mudflats of the southeastern US coast', Biological Invasions, vol. 14, pp. 2587 - 2600,

Lloyd HB; Murray BR; Gribben PE, 2012, 'Trait and abundance patterns in two marine molluscs: The influence of abiotic conditions operating across multiple spatial scales', Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 463, pp. 205 - 214,

Wright JT; Gribben PE; Byers JE; Monro K, 2012, 'Invasive ecosystem engineer selects for different phenotypes of an associated native species', Ecology, vol. 93, pp. 1262 - 1268,

Wright JT; Byers JE; Koukoumaftsis LP; Gribben PE, 2012, 'Differences in anti-predator traits of a native bivalve following invasion by a habitat-forming seaweed', Marine and Freshwater Research, vol. 63, pp. 246 - 250,

Gallucci F; Hutchings P; Gribben PE; Fonseca G, 2012, 'Habitat alteration and community-level effects of an invasive ecosystem engineer: A case study along the coast of NSW, Australia', Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 449, pp. 95 - 108,

Gribben PE; Jeffs AG; De Nys R; Steinberg PD, 2011, 'Relative importance of natural cues and substrate morphology for settlement of the New Zealand Greenshell mussel, Perna canaliculus', Aquaculture, vol. 319, pp. 240 - 246,

Simberloff D; Alexander J; Allendorf F; Aronson J; Antunes PM; Bacher S; Bardgett R; Bertolino S; Bishop M; Blackburn TM; Blakeslee A; Blumenthal D; Bortolus A; Buckley R; Buckley Y; Byers J; M. R; Campbell F; Campbell K; Campbell M; Carlton JT; Cassey P; Catford J; Celesti-Grapow L; Chapman J; Clark P; Clewell A; Canning Clode J; Chang A; Chytrý M; Clout M; Cohen A; Cowan P; Cowie RH; Crall AW; Crooks J; Deveney M; Dixon K; Dobbs FC; Cameron Duffy D; Duncan R; Ehrlich PR; Eldredge L; Evenhuis N; Fausch KD; Feldhaar H; Firn J; Fowler A; Galil B; Garcia-Berthou E; Geller J; Genovesi P; Gerber E; Gherardi F; Gollasch S; Gordon D; Graham J; Gribben PE; Griffen B; Grosholz ED; Hewitt C; Hierro JL; Hulme P; Hutchings P; Jarošík V; Johnson C; Johnson L; Johnston EL; Jones CG; Keller R; King CM; G. J. Knols B; Kollmann J; Kompas T; Kotanen PM; Kowarik I; Kühn I; Kumschick S; Leung B; Liebhold A; MacIsaac H; Mack R; G. McCullough D; McDonald R; Merritt DM; Meyerson L; Minchin D; Mooney HA; Morisette JT; Moyle P; Müller-Schärer H; Murray BR; Nehring S; Nelson W; Nentwig W; Novak SJ; Occhipinti A; Ojaveer H; Osborne B; Ostfeld RS, 2011, 'Non-natives: 141 scientists object', Nature, vol. 475, pp. 36,

Wright JT; Byers JE; Koukoumaftsis LP; Ralph PJ; Gribben PE, 2010, 'Native species behaviour mitigates the impact of habitat-forming invasive seaweed', Oecologia, vol. 163, pp. 527 - 534,

Byers JE; Wright JT; Gribben PE, 2010, 'Variable direct and indirect effects of a habitat-modifying invasive species on mortality of native fauna', Ecology, vol. 91, pp. 1787 - 1798,

Gribben PE; Wright JT; O Connor W; Steinberg PD, 2009, 'Larval settlement preference of a native bivalve:the influence of an invasive alga versus native substrata', Aquatic Biology, vol. 7, pp. 217 - 227,

Mckinnon J; Gribben PE; Davis A; Jolley D; Wright JT, 2009, 'Differences in soft-sediment macrobenthic assemblages invaded by Caulerpa taxifolia compared to uninvaded habitats', Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 380, pp. 59 - 71,

Gribben PE; Byers J; Clements M; McKenzie LA; Steinberg PD; Wright JT, 2009, 'Behavioural interactions between ecosystem engineers control community species richness', Ecology Letters, vol. 12, pp. 1127 - 1136,

Gribben PE; Wright JT; O Connor W; Doblin M; Eyre B; Steinberg PD, 2009, 'Reduced performance of native infauna following recruitment to a habitat-forming invasive marine alga', Oecologia, vol. 158, pp. 733 - 745,

Wright JT; Gribben PE, 2008, 'Predicting the impact of an invasive seaweed on the fitness of native fauna', Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 45, pp. 1540 - 1549,

Nylund G; Gribben PE; Steinberg PD; Pavia H, 2007, 'Surface chemistry versus whole-cell extracts: antifouling tests with seaweed metabolites', Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 329, pp. 73 - 84,

Aragón-Noriega EA; Chávez-Villalba J; Gribben PE; Alcántara-Razo E; Maeda-Martínez AN; Arambula-Pujol EM; García-Juárez AR; Maldonado-Amparo R, 2007, 'Morphometric relationships, gametogenic development and spawning of the geoduck clam Panopea globosa (Bivalvia: Hiatellidae) in the central Gulf of California', Journal of Shellfish Research, vol. 26, pp. 423 - 431,[423:MRGDAS]2.0.CO;2

Wright JT; McKenzie LA; Gribben PE, 2007, 'A decline in the abundance and condition of a native bivalve associated with Caulerpa taxifolia invasion', Marine and Freshwater Research, vol. 58, pp. 263 - 272,

Gribben PE; Marshall DJ; Steinberg PD, 2006, 'Less inhibited with age? Larval age modifies responses to natural settlement inhibitors', Biofouling, vol. 22, pp. 101 - 106,

Gribben PE; Wright JT, 2006, 'Sublethal effects on reproduction in native fauna: Are females more vulnerable to biological invasion?', Oecologia, vol. 149, pp. 352 - 361,

Gribben PE; Wright JT, 2006, 'Invasive seaweed enhances recruitment of a native bivalve: Roles of refuge from predation and the habitat choice of recruits', Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 318, pp. 177 - 185,

Gribben PE, 2005, 'Gametogenic development and spawning of the razor clam, Zenatia acinaces in northeastern New Zealand', New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, vol. 39, pp. 1287 - 1296,

Gribben PE; Creese RG, 2005, 'Age, growth, and mortality of the New Zealand geoduck clam, Panopea zelandica (Bivalvia: Hiatellidae) in two North Island populations', Bulletin of Marine Science, vol. 77, pp. 119 - 135

Gribben PE; Helson J; Jeffs AG, 2004, 'Reproductive Cycle of the New Zealand Geoduck, Panopea zelandica, in Two North Island Populations', Veliger, vol. 47, pp. 53 - 65

Gribben PE; Helson J; Millar R, 2004, 'Population abundance estimates of the New Zealand geoduck clam, Panopea zelandica, using north american methodology: Is the technology transferable?', Journal of Shellfish Research, vol. 23, pp. 683 - 691

Gribben PE; Creese RG, 2003, 'Protandry in the New Zealand geoduck, panopea zelandica (mollusca, bivalvia)', Invertebrate Reproduction and Development, vol. 44, pp. 119 - 129,

Gribben PE; Hay BE, 2003, 'Larval development of the New Zealand geoduck Panopea zelandica (Bivalvia: Hiatellidae)', New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, vol. 37, pp. 231 - 239,

Gribben PE; Creese RG; Hooker SH, 2002, 'Growth rates of the venus clam Ruditapes largillierti grown under experimental culture conditions in New Zealand', Aquaculture, vol. 213, pp. 187 - 197,

Gribben PE; Creese RG; Hooker SH, 2001, 'The reproductive cycle of the New Zealand venus clam Ruditapes largillierti', Journal of Shellfish Research, vol. 20, pp. 1101 - 1108