Species interactions under environmental change

We live in a changing world, and the oceans are no exception to this. Understanding how environmental change will impact different species and communities is important if we are to predict how they will respond to future change and, if necessary, mitigate these impacts. The interactions that occur between species are, however, arguably just as important as they form the basis of many ecosystem properties and processes, such as nutrient cycling and trophic dynamics. The nature of these interactions will vary depending on context and environment, which given the current rate of environmental change we are experiencing makes it extremely important to better understand how these interactions will be altered into the future.

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Ravaglioli C, J Langeneck, A Capocchi, A Castelli, D Fontanini, PE Gribben, F Bulleri. In Press. Positive cascading effects of epiphytes enhance the persistence of a habitat-forming macroalga and the biodiversity of the associated invertebrate community under increasing stress. Journal of Ecology. DOI:10.1111/1365-2745.13539

Uyà M, F Bulleri, JT Wright and PE Gribben. 2020. Facilitation of an invader by a native habitat-former increases along interacting gradients of environmental stress. Ecology. 101: e02961. DOI/10.1002/ecy.2961